Beliefs (the ABC of Epic Fantasy)


One of the least commented upon aspect of Epic Fantasy, in my opinion, is the beliefs and superstitions that form part of the culture the protagonist lives in. These might affect the decisions and actions taken by the protagonist and others in that world. A Song of Fire and Ice immediately comes to mind with its old gods and several faiths. Martin’s world—already rich and complex—gains more depth thanks to this layer of worldbuilding.

In Dawn of Purple and Grey, characters believe in two gods—Zy’el, the god of death and the afterlife, and Ay’el, the god of life. The idea of the eye painted on the boat developed from Malta’s traditional fishing boats with their typical painted Eye of Osiris. As for the gods’ names, the saying ‘the Alpha and the Omega’ led to the names beginning with A and Z.

The ebook version of Dawn of Purple and Grey is available for pre-order at  $2.99; the print version is available at $14.99.

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